Wednesday 7 November 2007



Attainment- 1- I believe the standard of my contribution and work produced is still very good.

Effort- 3- I believe that 3 are generous on some levels, as I have let myself down with slacking this half term.

Punctuality- 1- I am always on time to my lessons.

Submission and Quality of Blog- 4- the dates above my posts and standard compared to Chintan’s blog speaks for itself… not the greatest of my achievements.

Ability to work independently- 3- it would be unjustified to say I know I can work on my own.

Quality of writing- 1- I believe that my writing technique has been upheld.

Oral contribution in class- 1- my contribution is arguably one of the most enthusiastic voices.

Standard of blogs- 4- although I am catching up slowly, my blogs have been generally poor.

Course evaluation

The course organisation has been excellent, however, way too much time has been allowed for summer research project presentations.

The content covered is always very relevant to our course work and exam.

The handouts have enriched my media experience thoroughly as I utilise them regularly, especially the media dictionary, very useful resource!!!!

The teachers have been excellent…(not sucking up)…both Mrs Stevens and Mr Bush have been definite in their content and have provided a useful source of information for the development of my work.

The course has met my expectations; the content is interesting and is very different to other subject’s layout, which helps me stay satisfied.

The trips have been very useful. The texts covered may be relevant in the exam as wider reading. They have also been very fun. As well as this, the media awards gave me a great sense of achievement, as my groups hard work was recognised and we were also mentioned in the local newspapers.

The blog is useful as I am able to access it with relative ease

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